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Certifications | System Logistics Asia arrow-leftarrow-rightarrow-to-bottomcamera-circlecamerachevron-leftchevron-rightfile-altglobegrid-bgimageinfolinklistlogo-systemlogistics-payofflogo-systemlogisticsplay-circlesearchsocial-facebook-fsocial-facebooksocial-instagramsocial-linkedin-insocial-linkedinsocial-twittersocial-youtubetagthtimesuploadvideo


System Logistics SpA has always based the production of its systems and the structure of its processes on high quality standards, allowing it to obtain ISO 9001 quality certification back in 2004. Over the years System Logistics has increased its standards, making it stand out even more on the market.

Protecting the working environment of its workers and customers is a core issue for System Logistics SpA. For this reason, in 2016, it decided to turn its ideals into standardised procedures in line with ISO 14001 standard: it obtained the relevant certification which continues to be maintained over time.

The protection and safety of its workers and of those of its customers and suppliers are among System Logistics SpA's key values to such an extent that in 2016, its working and procedural standards allowed it to obtain OHSAS 18001 certification. The company continues to keep up these results over time with true dedication and commitment.

System Logistics is a member of AMHSA, the Association committed to promoting excellence in the automated material handling industry in terms of solutions, after sales support, reliability and safety, as a leader company supplying innovative automated intralogistics solutions and technologies.