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ORDER CONSOLIDATION AND DESPATCHINGSolutions & Products | System Logistics Asia arrow-leftarrow-rightarrow-to-bottomcamera-circlecamerachevron-leftchevron-rightfile-altglobegrid-bgimageinfolinklistlogo-systemlogistics-payofflogo-systemlogisticsplay-circlesearchsocial-facebook-fsocial-facebooksocial-instagramsocial-linkedin-insocial-linkedinsocial-twittersocial-youtubetagthtimesuploadvideo


The order consolidation systems are simple, rapid and effective. They combine material management technologies which guarantee efficiency in the order preparation phase without affecting deliveries. Products coming from different storage areas and different preparation processes are routed to a single shipment and sequenced based on the unloading order, thus optimising shipping management.

The benefits arising from these solutions are:

  • shorter goods transfer times between the different areas within the warehouse
  • order picking system optimisation​
  • ideal management of “just-in-time” shipments​